all.the.colours.of.the.north is the virtual home of Monika Strell, Natural Mindfulness Guide and Interfaith Minister & Celebrant, based in the stunningly beautiful and wild North-West Highlands of Scotland.

Nature Connection Guide
As a trained Natural Mindfulness Guide I aim to introduce people to the wonderful landscape of the North-West Highlands in a gentle, creative & innovative way. Our blue & green spaces have so much to offer and are accessible to all with the right level of support.

Whether honouring life, love, loss or memories, as a Celebrant it is my privilege to create personal ceremonies that support people at critical points in their lives. They are always personal and can take place in variety of settings.

Originally from Austria I came to Scotland in 1999 and settled in the Highlands in 2008, where I now live on a woodland croft in Assynt with my husband & son.
Having grown up in a flat and landlocked part of Austria I still count my blessings every day, looking at the mountains that now surround me, the coast on my doorstep and the woodland that cradles my home.
Most of my career has been spent with ‘brain work’, in social research, the not-for profit sector and most recently 15+ years in Social Media. This is still what I do most of the time, yet over the last few years I felt an increasing need to add a new dimension to my life and work – built around nature, wellbeing, guidance and spirituality. I have trained in Natural Mindfulness in 2019 and was Ordained as an Interfaith Minister & Celebrant in July 2020 after two years of intensive training. My aim is to support and guide people to connect to the awe-inspiring nature of the North-West Highlands in innovative ways, with the goal of greater physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.
On my dedicated ceremonies website you can read a bit more about me at